September 28, 2011

SAPYSNAPS has moved

Finally getting my act together and I've moved the blog to

It's a one stop for SAPYSNAPS PHOTO from now on!! Yay!! Come visit me!

August 30, 2011

i'm a lion not a trojan

I was sent to Lincoln today to photograph a helicopter that was being flown in by an instructor for a student presentation. After checking in at the front office and finding out that they knew nothing about it, I walked over to the track behind the main building (which is where I was told it would land).

And there I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Around 9:30a one of the PE coaches walked around to where I was and asked me who I was. I explained why I was there and showed him by visitor's tag.

And then I waited.
And waited.
And waited.

And then I called my instructor. First of all, he couldn't believe that I was still waiting. In my defense, I have found that photographers wait around... A LOT!! Second of all, he told me to walk all the way back around to the office and see if they had any info while he mad a few phone calls.

Once I got around to the office, they STILL didn't know anything about it. Even the principal. So I called my instructor again and he said that if anyone should know ANY THING about the helicopter landing on campus, IT SHOULD BE THE PRINCIPAL.

I was told to return home. And that's what I did.

But the whole way home, I kept on checking the sky to see if I could see that helicopter. I was so sure that as soon as I left, it would land.

I still don't know where that stinkin' helicopter is.

AND I was so sure that all those kids in the PE class just KNEW that I'm a LION, not a trojan.

August 24, 2011

The one that ended early

but NOT because of the weather.

August 20, 2011


It is so difficult some days to get a great photo of a whole group.

So I am particularly proud and in love with this photo of the bass line because it is one of the 
VERY FEW times you will see the whole line and their faces!!


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